The National Music Museum's Score Archive is an important component of a strategy that intends to contribute for the saving, preservation, valuing and promoting of the Portuguese musical culture.
The purpose of its foundation is to take a step towards a better knowing and studying of the portuguese musical heritage, through conservation, treatment and public access to musical documentation that reflects the musical road and reference repertoire of, for instance, the Portuguese philharmonic bands, but also ensembles and classical music orchestras, among others.
The creation of this archive had long been defended by several entities and personalities connected to the music sector and was finally created on September 1st 2014, following a series of protocols established between the Directorate-General for Cultural Heritage (DGPC) and the Mafra City Council, and between the National Music Museum, the Portuguese Musical Confederation (CMP) and the Portuguese Confederation of the Culture, Recreation and Sports Collectivities (CPCCRD).
This archive guarantees: - The incorporation or deposit of musical scores (original and scanned), namely those that represent the national artistic production; - The conservation of the incorporated and deposited scores; - The promotion and access to those that manifest interest.
DONATIONS/DEPOSITS The Score Archive is available to receive donations and/or deposits from individuals and/or institutions that feel they do not have the conditions for the preservation and treatment of patrimony. The archive is particularly interested in musical scores, but also letters, photographies, postcards, books, phonograms [CD's], videograms (Videos, DVD's, VHS Cassettes) and any other document that can contextualise musical works, composers, musical institutions and groups, or even collectors.
CONSULTATION The access to documents and scores is done through a catalogue and previous appointment. Only some of the works and documents are available for in person consultation. Local consultation (?) is conditioned by the Rules of the Reading Room.
SCHEDULE From monday to friday; 9h00 to 13h00 14h00 to 18h00
HOW TO GET THERE By car: A8 - A21 (Exit Mafra Este) - Mafra (near Auditório Beatriz Costa) By bus: Mafrense - From Campo Grande (Lisboa) and from Portela de Sintra (Station) - Exit on the 2nd stop in Mafra (in front of Auditório Beatriz Costa)
Núcleo Documental de Partituras Auditório Municipal Beatriz Costa Avenida 25 de Abril 2640-456 Mafra Telefone: 261 813 805 E-mail:
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