To celebrate the World Radio Day on 13th February we have chosen as piece of the month the radio receiver Radiola Superheterodyne AR-812, which is in 2014, 90 years old
Built in 1914, the Gélas Mandolim from the Museum of Music's collection celebrates this year its centenarian. For this reason we have chosen it as piece of the month of January.
Scale Models from the 1st and 3rd acts from the opera ''La Traviata''
Peça do Mês - Novembro 2013
05 November 2013
In order to celebrate the 200 years of Guiseppe Verdi's birth (1813-1901) and the 160 years of the opera's premiere,''La Traviata'', we have chosen two scale models made by the Portuguese opera singer, Tomás de Alcaide, made for his production of Verdi's work, performed in 1964, in Lisbon and Oporto.
The pianoforte van Casteel is one of the most important pieces from the Museum's collection. In order to mark the 250 years of its construction, it is now the chosen piece of the month.
Built in 1753, the viola's sopranino (pardessus de viole) from Louis Guersan, belongs to the Museum's collection, celebrating in 2013 its 260 years, reason for which it was chosen as the piece of the month.
In a year in which is marked both Richard Wagner's (1813-1883) 200 years of birth and 130 years of death, the Music Museum chooses as Piece of the Month of August 2013 a portrait (1) and a bust (2) of this renowned composer.
To mark the 50 years of the commercial launching of the tape we have selected as Piece of the Month one of the oldest tape recorders' model, a Grundug C 100 L.
In order to mark the World's Day of Africa, on 25th May, we have selected as piece of the month one of the many renowned instruments from the African musical culture, the rebab.
In order to mark the International Day of Jazz, on 30th of April, we have selected as piece of the month one of the most renowned instruments of this musical style, the saxophone.
In the month in which it is marked the 50 years of Pedro Freitas Branco's death (1896-1963) one of the greatest Portuguese maestro's, we show a baton used in a military band and two in a orchestra from the Museum's collection.