Sound Makers European musical instruments from the 16th to the 20th centuries Print

Sound Makers: European musical instruments from the 16th to the 20th centuries

26 July 1994 - 30 April 2002


Inaugural exhibition of the Museum, in which 130 instruments were on display, representative of the range of popular and art instruments of the Western tradition. This exhibition was made up of the most representative pieces of the Museum’s collection, organised didactically, showing the instruments according to their families, physical characteristics and chronology.


Related Publications:
» Visita aos antepassados dos Instrumentos de Orquestra
Lisboa, Instituto Português de Museus / Museu da Música, 2000

» Fábricas de Sons: Instrumentos de Música Europeus dos Séculos XVI a XX
Lisboa, Electa - Lisboa 94, 1994
24 x 22 cm; 143 pp.; il., cor e p/b; brochado; ed. port.

Esta publicação encontra-se esgotada, podendo ser consultada no Centro de Documentação do museu.